Doom snapmap guide extraction
Doom snapmap guide extraction

doom snapmap guide extraction

The searching system is a joke, this is what happened to SC2 with arcade. Snapmap should have a choice, do you want to make a multiplayer map, k done, do you wanna make a campaign style map, cool, select that. WHY can i not carry EVERY weapon? Sure multiplayer you only want 2, cool np. The weapon wheel, holy crap, how did this even go through. Where the hell is the huge amount of demons, i wanna fight 100 demons at the same time and get totally rekt over and over. They don't need the hectic events or abilities they use in campaign, just use a basic kit, and add them.ġ2 demons max on snapmap, the hell is this crap? Is this a joke. i get that, the bosses (i won't name to ruin for those who haven't got to them yet) could easily be simplifed though. yes I know, the boss are amazing and have really scripted fights. I don't get why hell tiles and mars tiles were not unlocked at launch. It has SOOOOO much potential yet you can only use boring rooms OVER and OVER again. However snapmap I am at a loss why and how this is such junk. Campaign i hoped was going to be amazing, and it was. Snapmap was honestly the thing i was mostly keen for.

Doom snapmap guide extraction